The Halving Report

The Social Fabric of Bitcoin: Building Community at the Halving Party

February 26, 2024 β€’ Brad Mines

In our latest episode of Halving Report, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Sean Harris to discuss the transformative role of Bitcoin in today's challenging times, the excitement surrounding the upcoming Halving party in El Salvador, and the true essence of Bitcoin conferences. We explored the critical importance of the social layer in Bitcoin's growth, celebrated the Halving as a key event in the Bitcoin community, and shared personal stories that highlight the strong bonds within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Our conversation also ventured into our personal hobbies and interests, adding a more personal touch to our deep dive into the world of Bitcoin.

We also shared valuable resources for those looking to deepen their understanding of Bitcoin, including influential podcasts and enlightening books. The episode painted a vivid picture of El Salvador's warm embrace of Bitcoin through our personal experiences, showcasing the country's potential as a beacon for the future of money. We wrapped up our discussion with an open invitation to the Halving party in El Salvador, promising not only insightful Bitcoin discussions but also an opportunity to experience the strong sense of community and camaraderie that defines the Bitcoin movement.

00:39 Details of the Having Party in El Salvador
09:42 Current State of Bitcoin and Price Predictions
14:04 Hobbies and Interests
15:44 The Cost of Gambling
16:16 Favorite Podcasts and Resources
19:05 Learning from Bitcoin Experts
20:16 Personal Learning Journey
21:28 Closing Remarks and Where to Follow

**Meet the Man, Sean Harris:**
Sean ain't just any former hoop star; he's a Bitcoin baller now. After realizing the game was rigged with endless fiat printing, Sean jumped ship to Bitcoin - the only game where the rules don't change and the cap stays solid at 21 million.

**The Main Event - The Halving Party:**
Sean's not just here to talk; he's here to hype up the biggest bash of the Bitcoin era - the Halving Party down in El Salvador. This ain't just any party; it's a celebration of Bitcoin's heart, the Halving, where the game gets tighter and the stakes get higher.

**Catch the Wave with Sean and The Meme Factory:**
- Hit up Sean on the Twitter streets: [@BigSeanHarris](
- Roll with The Meme Factory crew: [@MemeFactoryTM](
- Peep Sean's shots on IG: [@shootersean30]( and get the party deets at [@halvingpartymf](

**Don't Sleep on This:**
Mark your calendars and get ready to turn up for the Halving. It's more than just a party; it's a movement. Check out all the vibes and info at [Bitcoin Halving Party]( This is where history's made, and you don't wanna miss out.

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Speaker 1:

Man, get your tickets for the having party event. Come watch me hit some three pointers on Sean Harris, on the courts. You know it's at an all inclusive resort and but like what's it's, what is it? Three nights there, three nights.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is, yeah, three days, three nights, April 3rd through the 5th. And and I always tell people we were going to be doing a lot of fun stuff on the night of the 5th, so check out the 6th, you know. But yeah, it'll be a three, three days, three night event.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's kind of what I wanted to ask is, you know, is there going to be like activities? The first few days are kind of just chill and then the last day kind of kick it up a notch, or what's what's sort of your envision, how you envisioning this?

Speaker 2:

So we we wanted to make it more like kind of like a lobby con feel is the term that people use, right which is you go to a conference and you and you go because you got Preston and Pish speaking and you want to hear him speak in person, and then you end up not even making it outside the lobby, because you're talking with people you just met and you're having a great conversation and then you watch his talk on YouTube a couple of days later anyway, and so we wanted to make it more like that, where you can have, like, if you're coming to learn about Bitcoin, you will learn about Bitcoin and you'll learn how to self custody your Bitcoin and you learn about the having. And if you're bringing your girlfriend down, if you're bringing your boyfriend down, if you're a girl watching, you know you can, you can have, you can learn. We're going to have some game you know, maybe a different game or two that is focused on learning about Bitcoin. We're going to have games that aren't focused about Bitcoin at all, that are just fun. We're going to do some fun things down there. We're going to have things that are geared towards, you know, central America and El Salvador, specifically, cultural nights and learning how to dance different salsas or bachatas, and learning fun things and doing fun things, having walks on the beach, yoga.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be a slow paced event. It's not going to be like Bitcoin in Miami or you know wherever, where you got three different stages and you got all these things going on. Now we're going to have one thing going on at one time and you can go enjoy that one thing. Or you can go out of the pool and have a drink or go to the beach and, you know, have a drink or get food. There's me a limited food, unlimited drinks. So it's just going to be a very slow, slow pace.

Speaker 2:

Get to know your fellow Bitcoiners. Reach out to the people who are there. Talk to you know, try to build a business, try to build something on top of it. Get connected, network with people, because that's what we're building on top of. You know there is a social layer on top of Bitcoin and, in my opinion, I think it's. You know, if you think about how Bitcoin propagates itself, it's through this social layer that we have of being able to talk with each other and being able to, you know, talk about ideas and what Bitcoin really is, and the idea and the ethos of Bitcoin and as and to me, as I've gone to a lot of different conferences, to me it's obvious that the idea of Bitcoin is an idea that's rolling forward and cannot be stopped. It's all over the world.

Speaker 2:

I've met people from all over the world and we have people from all over all over the world coming to the, to the having party in El Salvador, and so I'm really excited for it and it's just gonna be a fun event to enjoy and you can enjoy it at your own pace. You can go to every single talk, every single workshop, every single panel if you want, but then at nighttime it's gonna be more party-like. There's gonna be, you know, we're gonna have a poker night on the second night with tone bays. We're gonna have, possibly like a dating game, rock, a newlywed game, a fun things to get people going, possibly a roast Of Greg's edge. We'll see if we get that, if we get that done right Maybe an awards night, and the awards night will be a fun Awards night, and so all these things, you know they're gonna be, they're just fun things to get bit coiners together, to have people come see El Salvador and what it's like and To continue to celebrate the having, because it will be celebrated, you know, and so we wanted to be the first ones to celebrate it, and we are the first ones to to really celebrate it at this, at this level, and it's not gonna be our only having party.

Speaker 2:

There's gonna be plenty of them. As long as I live, we're gonna continue to do these having parties and and I think they're important, and not because of me, but because it's actually you know, what other event do we have out there that's focused on something that's native to Bitcoin, you know, and this is something that we're celebrating that's native to Bitcoin, which is the having.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there's only really one thing to celebrate in Bitcoin in terms of anniversaries, really, and then that's the having. Right, it's such an impact on the market With, you know, leading up to the bull money, the bull run usually starts, you know what, six to ten months after the having, historically. So it's definitely the thing to celebrate and I think honestly I think I did was doing the exact same thing as you last having, I was watching Anthony pompner, or something like that. Yeah, do you still? Do you still?

Speaker 2:

follow palm, I think. I think I do follow him on Twitter, but I don't ever see his tweets anymore, for some reason, and no, I don't really know stuff he was. You know, he was really great for me in 2019 or so 2020. He really helped explain, he was really focused on Bitcoin only stuff, and a lot of his content was great, and then he kind of started going to. You know, it just doesn't make as much sense for me all the altcoins and and he doesn't. You know, he says he personally doesn't Own anything besides Bitcoin. Yeah, you know any other Cryptocurrency besides Bitcoin, but I imagine he's invested in a lot of those other ones, and so I think that's why he was giving his platform up to a lot of those people, which, which that's his decision.

Speaker 2:

I believe in fair and open markets and that's fine, but I just I just don't follow him as much anymore because to me, there's a lot of other people who who are focused on a more dedicated mission of sound money, of this money that's good for the whole world. That will change the world and not just change my life. And Bitcoin wasn't created To make me rich. It wasn't created to make Satoshi rich. It wasn't commit. You know, it wasn't created to make any of us rich, it was. It was to give us a peer-to-peer money that was free of third-party risk and and that was free of inflation, so can't be controlled by any other means, and it's truly free money and it's freedom money, and so I think that's that's why I don't really follow pomp as much. I think he still does a decent job of he goes on CNBC, but there's a lot of other guys out there that I that I listen to now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. What got me about pomp? Like again, I still I still get his emails and and listen to him here and there and he's, you know, very eloquent when he's on, you know, prime time TV. But yeah, the thing that got me was was the block five and how much he pumped the block five mission there and then, To go bankrupt.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh man, like I don't know, that was a tough go, I thought, but you know, still still think he's, you know, I All you know a net positive for Bitcoin.

Speaker 2:

But there's gonna. We'll see more of that, you know. We'll see more of People saying, hey look, mount gox was in 2013. You know, now it's the ins. That's how they get you right. That's how they got most of us in. Block five was hey, you know, we're now in 2020, is 2021.

Speaker 2:

This is the age of in, you know, institutional Bitcoin and we, you know we're not. We weren't created for Matt. You know, matt, what is? Mount gox was like magic. The gathering was what it was originally created for, like MTG and, and so you know they would get you with that stuff. Oh, now we're institutional and we have all this institutionally backed Money, but they play the same games, you know, and they don't have the backing of the Fed. We don't have the backing of the Fed, and you play the same games that everyone else is playing. Then you go bust, and that's what you see happen with FTX and all these guys. And so you know you might as well just hold your money in a bank If you're gonna hold it on a block fire or an FTX, because at least you have FTSE insurance, which you don't have at these other crypto exchanges.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, totally agree. You know self-custody is, you know, a big part of why Bitcoin, right? So, yeah, so just asking you about you know current state of Bitcoin. The price is approximately 43,000 US dollars and again, we're what? About 10 weeks Approximately to the to the having. What's the current state of Bitcoin? You know, given that we've had the recent ETF approvals and you know where did you think the price was gonna go? Has, as your mind changed at all in regards to that?

Speaker 2:

I think Bitcoin will probably probably be around this price for the having right somewhere between 1450,000, which is what I kind of expected. Um, honestly, I have no clue where it'll head, how high it'll go. Go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just gonna say. You know, when I was in El Salvador, the people that I was talking to were like hyper, hyper bullish, like Like I was like blown out of the water a little bit of how bullish a lot of these Bitcoin Bitcoin guys are how was El Salvador for you, by the way?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it was awesome man. I was there for eight days and spent most of it at Bitcoin Beach, but we were part partied in El Tunko one night spent tonight. Yeah, yeah, I tried surfing for the first time. My ribs were all bruised up and my neck was sore and my stuff got so like it was. It was a time. It was a time, but I did get up and surfing.

Speaker 2:

I lost a shirt out there in the ocean.

Speaker 1:

Oh really, yeah, man, yeah, I'm in the wave and I looked for it.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't find it was gone. Oh shit, yeah, was it a Bitcoin shirt? No, it wasn't, it was.

Speaker 1:

Sure, oh, okay, yeah, but any other than that, though Bitcoin Beach is beautiful, I was a little skeptical, like from the pictures it looks nice, but it doesn't have like that as White sand beach you can always envision. When I got there, I'm like this is way better, because the water is way warmer here, yeah, and it's got great waves, which just makes it more fun. So I was. I was super impressed beautiful sunsets down at Bitcoin Beach. Yeah amazing, I did Santa Ana volcano hike Another one you go with a guide?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I think you have to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but we say that the beach breakers hotel, which is like a, it's like I don't know if you know that hotel, but the owners there you know, except lightning, and they're very great houses. It's a small like a 12 room I Hotel, but they got a really great restaurant there and they got like huge, probably the most advertised like Bitcoin Symbols outside of there. So, yeah, just like it just drew me in, like me and my buddy were walking around, we saw all these Bitcoin stuff.

Speaker 1:

We're like, oh, we got to go in here, right so and then we just kind of made friends with them and then, like, same thing happened Right, other people see that signage and then they walk in and then we met. We met some really great Bitcoiners Just hanging over the restaurant there. So, yeah, it was an awesome time and I was almost contemplating, like I'm not going back, like sell something.

Speaker 1:

You just stay here, ride it out, pray, the having goes well and the next bull run it goes really well. Yeah, I, I love, I love El Salvador a lot and, completely safe, use Bitcoin everywhere I could Dude it's like lightning.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing, man, when, when people haven't been there, they're the like. The most people are skeptics they get down there and then it's just, first of all, just beautiful, country's green and the waves are peaceful, the sun sets like what you're saying and you can. You can use Bitcoin in some places you can't and others, but but most people when they go down there, they're like they got the itch to come back or to move out there even, and so it's yeah, it's. It's wild how Awesome it is. So that's what I wanted to bring I want people to come down El Salvador and experience that magic themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, certainly magical. Do you still shoot hoops, or what?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I still play basketball from time to time.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, yeah, you know, not as much as I would like to, but okay, I mean, we can find me, we can find a court down there, have a little three ball or competition or something like that.

Speaker 2:

They do. The hotel has a basketball court on it, so maybe we'll get a game in yeah, man, how tall are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm six, seven, okay, okay, okay. I'm like six foot, I'm six foot. Yeah, yeah so you're five ten, so I'm five ten. Yeah, yeah, always listed a couple inches, yeah, yeah. So yeah, no, I'm looking to. Yeah, come back down there. There's a whole lot of stuff apparently going on, you know, after the event too, so I really looking forward to get down there. So, just to kind of go off topic a little bit, what else? What else you like to do on your free time when you're not all in on Bitcoin or shooting hoops?

Speaker 2:

to. You know, I Kind of like to, just I like to have a good time, you know that's. That's more Doesn't really matter what I'm doing, as long as I'm doing with good people. So I get pretty. I'm actually very competitive Still, so really any games I like games, board games, card games, any type of game that's fun for me is, you know, like we could be playing any game and I'll have fun. So I like to do that. That kind of helps get those competitive juices out.

Speaker 2:

Are you do gamble? I I do. I do go once in a while to to the casinos, which I probably shouldn't. But I have one game that I play. It's called pyg out and it's a very slow game. It's just like a two-handed poker game and that's probably like that's. I don't go to the because you know I don't play that roulette or anything. I just go there and I'll and I'll play a pyg out once every couple months. It's just a fun game for me to just kind of zombie out. But yeah, although, if, if I, if I'm with a bunch of buddies, sometimes I will play A craps.

Speaker 2:

Craps is the most electric game at the casino if everyone's rolling, good, but but no yeah, I don't, I'm not really, you know, and if I bring something to the casino, it's gonna be like a couple hundred bucks. You know I'm not. Yeah, you know, there's some people that come with thousands and thousands of dollars and I'm like, if I lose more than 200 bucks tonight, it's like that's, you just have to bring your money and if you lose it, you lose it, and that's it Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a couple hundred bucks is one thing. When you start talking about the thousands, man need that some. You know, good amount of Satoshis you could be stacking. Yeah, exactly, that's exactly that's exactly that's my mindset when it comes to it.

Speaker 2:

Yes too many sets, so I look at it as like entertainment, right? Hey, if I were to go to when I show, it's been maybe a couple hundred bucks on it. You know, if I'm down in Vegas so maybe we'll go out and you know that's what we'll do. But I don't. I try not to go gambling as much as possible because it's you just lose.

Speaker 1:

You just lose your money when you could be stacking Sats. Yeah, the odds are certainly against you.

Speaker 2:

Would you and they tell you, and they tell you, the odds are against you. You know, and that's what I tell people, at least with the like, the altcoin casino that people try to play, at least I would rather just go to the casino that you like. At least I'm having a fun time. There's an atmosphere, is people walking around, they can give you drinks if you want. You know, if you're like staring at your computer all day long, it's like not worth it.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna ask you if you have any favorite podcasts, books, resources or it just in Bitcoin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, guy swans Bitcoin audible. It's my favorite podcast. I've learned the most probably from his podcast at anybody. I really enjoy everything that he does and he's just he just has been in Bitcoin for so long and he just has. He's very eloquent. He's read so many articles and that's what he does on his podcast. Is Bitcoin audible? He reads our podcast. He reads articles and then he Elaborates and gives his take on them, which is really nice. You know, especially we're trying to learn If you're looking for like, definitely like macro stuff Preston Pish I've learned so much from his podcast, the investors podcast. They do the Bitcoin episode once a week and that one's really good for me.

Speaker 2:

Books, I would say, you know, other than the Bitcoin standard, which is everybody's. Nick, nick Batia's layered money was really good for me. That explained a lot. It was really good. You know just any any Bitcoin book out there. There's a ton of them GGs, 21 lessons. That's a really good. It's a short book, easy read and very powerful.

Speaker 2:

So those are probably some of the guys that I, that I listen to, that I pay attention to that are that really got their head on straight. You know, guys like Preston Pish you know he's he's has a very successful Investing podcast turned Bitcoin. Or you know, I got like Nick Batia he's a professor at USC Turned Bitcoin. Or you know, like these are some of the guys that are that are really smart that that aren't. You know they aren't Speculating on something. They've done the research. They can explain their research to you. They break it down and Break it. They can break it down better than I can, you know better than a basketball player could, and so I like to learn from them and I like to learn from the best, and so those are some of the best people in my opinion. Obviously, sailor is that dude. You can ask one question and he'll talk. I'm talking like sailor this, not like him, but I'm talking as much as he does, so Well, I always like to create as many Michael sailor moments.

Speaker 1:

On the Havoc report as possible so that's great. Yeah, man. Okay, well, I think we, you know you gave me a lot to digest. You gave me some, you know, some good sources there for my listeners and I, to you know, continue and follow up and just learn from, from more Eloquent people in this space. When I went up for you, sean, if you have any questions, comments or maybe Words of wisdom, if not, just let us know where we can follow you and learn more.

Speaker 2:

What, what? Let me ask you where, what, if? What's helped you on your path the most for understanding Bitcoin?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess my Well, I got, I got to say Twitter, twitter flashbacks has been, you know, a completely great resource For me just for connecting for people, reaching out to people like yourself, getting getting them on my podcast. So number one is probably just reaching out and get in talking to people like you face to face, like this, and just taking in as much as I can. But, yeah, also books I really like. One book that really stuck with me was the Seventh Property by Eric Yakes.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure if you're familiar, but I had him hit on the podcast a while, a long, long time ago now, but I got, I read his book and it really I really like the breakdown of all the different monetary properties, of what money has in the history of it, and it really helps me now kind of teach people about Bitcoin or refute points, criticisms of Bitcoin. It's kind of the one that always my mind goes back to a lot. So, just so, yeah, mostly, you know, talking to folks like this and then just getting those new resources and trying to see what this person says, see what this person says. I consume podcasts, I consume books and obviously create content, and then Twitter is where a lot of the community and a lot of big figures in the space speak.

Speaker 2:

So is your real last is your real last name, mines.

Speaker 1:

No, it's minor, but my friends had always called me mines or be mines, so it just, it just worked out, brat mines.

Speaker 2:

It's a great name in the Bitcoin world.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's for sure. It's not quite as good as Dan held. I don't think. Yeah, that guy's got a really good Bitcoin name. Yeah, he does, you've got a good one. Where can we follow you and learn more?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can follow me on Twitter. That's where I'll be most of the time. Big Sean Harris. Pretty simple, and give us a follow to over at the having parties. So we're having party MF and a good website, bitcoin having party dot com, and that's having as HAL VING like the having report. So, bitcoin having party dot com and come, get your tickets. Come to the having party. It's going to be in El Salvador. If you haven't come and you want to come to El Salvador, this is when we have hundreds of other Bitcoiners coming from all over the world. This is your chance to come to El Salvador and you know what you're going to do You're going to celebrate the having with other Bitcoiners in El Salvador. So come out and we'll be there. Thanks, brad.

Speaker 1:

That's it, man. Get your tickets for the for the having party event. Come watch me hit some three pointers on Sean Harris on the courts. Thanks for doing this tonight, sean hey, thank you, I appreciate it, thank you.